Dad jokes thrive on the ‘ideal’ thermostat temperature, even if you don’t

  • August 22, 2019


A federal program says the “ideal” temperature for a home is 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and dads guarding the nation’s thermostats seem to agree. 

Energy Star, a federal program from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, suggests Americans set their thermostats to 78 degrees at the least to keep their air conditioning as energy efficient as possible. When residents aren’t home, the report adds, the thermostat should clock in at 85 degrees. Energy Star also recommends cooling down to 82 degrees when residents are sleeping.

When Jennifer Titus, a reporter for 10 News WTSP in Florida, tweeted about the report, the takes came in hot.  Read more…

More about Summer, Twitter Reactions, Dad Jokes, Culture, and Web Culture

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Dad jokes thrive on the ‘ideal’ thermostat temperature, even if you don’t