Compodoc promises to be your go-to documentation tool for Angular applications

  • November 1, 2018

angularHere’s a tool that claims to be what has been missing from the Angular ecosystem!

Compodoc is an open source documentation tool that promises to help you generate static documentation for your Angular project in seconds!

It comes with a bunch of handy features that include:

Clean, simple design  Navigate the documentation on the left side, read it on the right.

Beautiful themes  Seven themes are available from well-known documentation tools like GitbookRead the Docs and projects like VagrantLaravelPostmark and Stripe.

Search  Includes a powerful search engine (lunr.js) for easily finding what you’re looking for.

Automatic table of contents  API table of contents is generated using elements found during files parsing.

SEE ALSO: Angular v7 under the microscope: What’s changed and what’s next

JSDoc light support  Support for @param@returns@link@ignore and @example tags.

Documentation coverage  Get the documentation coverage report of your project.

Angular CLI-friendly  Supports Angular CLI projects out-of-the-box.

Offline  No server needed, no sources uploaded online, documentation generated entirely offline.

Open-source and on npm  Use it directly in your project using npm and a single script—that’s it!

There’s even a demo available here so you can see it in action!

You can also check the official documentation of the tool here.

Getting started

If you are eager to get started you should keep in mind that with Node.js Compodoc is tested only with the LTS versions: v8.11.1, v6.14.1 & v4.9.1. As for Angular, Compodoc supports last Angular-CLI version : 6.0.0.

Global installation

  • Install from npm : npm install -g @compodoc/compodoc
  • If you use PowerShell on Windows, add quotes : npm install -g "@compodoc/compodoc"

Local installation

npm install --save-dev @compodoc/compodoc

The post Compodoc promises to be your go-to documentation tool for Angular applications appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter