Comedian gives her family brilliant informational pamphlets before going on a date



Anticipating her family’s inevitable questions, Mary Beth Barone prepared an informational pamphlet before going on a date.

“They are a CURIOUS bunch,” she told Mashable through Twitter DM.

Barone, who’s a comedian based in New York, attended a wedding in North Carolina last year and hit it off with another guest, who was from Miami. Barone happened to have a family vacation planned about an hour from Miami a few weeks later, and wanted to sneak away from her family for the date. But there was a flaw in her plan — as the youngest of five siblings traveling with 20 to 30 extended family members, it would be difficult for her to leave without a decent excuse. Barone said she had three options in order to successfully sneak away with the family’s rental car: lie, try to hide it, or over communicate.  Read more…

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Source : Comedian gives her family brilliant informational pamphlets before going on a date