Like Beyoncé, Greenland is constantly making news.
And for good reason. The Arctic landmass holds an ice sheet that’s two and a half times the size of sprawling Texas — and it’s melting at rates that are unprecedented in at least centuries, if not thousands of years. “I can tell you the retreat is eye-popping,” said Twila Moon, an Arctic researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center who has traveled along the vastly diminished ice. For humanity, the particularly salient question now is how quickly these massive stores of ice will melt into the sea.
Greenland’s future, of course, depends on the most uncertain, chaotic, and emotionally volatile portion of the climate science equation: humans, specifically how much heat-trapping carbon we decide to pump into the atmosphere. “The biggest uncertainty in climate science is human behavior,” NASA scientist Kate Marvel told Mashable after the Trump administration recently said they will no longer consider many climate projections beyond 20 years from now. Read more…
More about Science, Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenland, and Science