It’s hard to resist scratching mosquito bites, but doing so just makes them worse. Here’s how to terminate that itching sensation so you can resist the urge to scratch.
During the summer, most of us spend more time outdoors, which can be both exciting and a little dreadful—particularly for those who seem to attract a disturbing amount of mosquitos. Although generally harmless to our health outside of areas with mosquito-borne illnesses, mosquitos bites can still be incredibly annoying and uncomfortable.
Intense scratching, the most common response to a bite, only worsens the situation and can lead to longer healing times, yet it’s incredibly tough to ignore. Thankfully, there are some simple ways to soothe the itch and make your life less miserable. If you want to learn a few tricks to make mosquito bites less irritating, this is the article for you.
What Happens When a Mosquito Bites You?
Mosquitos are attracted to us by a combination of heat, the carbon dioxide we exhale, and chemical markers released in our sweat (they can even tell what your blood type is—they prefer Type O). When mosquitos bite you, they’re not just punching a hole in your skin, but also coating it with their saliva. Their saliva contains anticoagulants and proteins, foreign bodies that trigger an immune response. Part of this response is the production of histamine, which causes the affected area to itch. The bite usually remains visible on the skin for a few hours, although it depends on how big it is, as well as the condition of your immune system. Sometimes, a bite can cause a minor allergic reaction known as “skeeter syndrome” (formally, papular urticaria). This results in an increased swollen area, fever, and hives.
Naturally, you want to scratch the itchy bite, but the more you do, the more you damage your skin and the more intense the immune response becomes. More histamine is released, and the bite only gets itchier. Scratch, damage, protect, itch, and scratch. It’s a vicious cycle that can only be broken with a bit of self-control and a few tricks to soothe the symptoms.
How to Stop the Itching
Whether you want to take the natural route or let chemistry do its thing, there are several clever ways to ease the nuisance of a mosquito bite. Here are a few of them.
Clean the Bite with Rubbing Alcohol
If you manage to catch the perpetrator right as it evacuates the area, wipe the bite with some rubbing alcohol. The quick evaporation of the alcohol has a cooling effect that can help relieve the itchiness and prevent any infection from scratching with dirty hands. Refrain from overusing it, though, as too much rubbing alcohol can cause skin irritation and worsen the condition.
Apply Topical Cream

If you’re prone to frequent bites, it might be a good idea to keep some topical cream on hand. Calamine lotion, for instance, helps relieve the seemingly everlasting itching sensation from a bite. A mild corticosteroid cream has a similar effect as it reduces the inflammation and redness of the skin. However, it should not be applied to open wounds or your face. It should also be used infrequently, as prolonged use may cause thinning of the skin, acne, and excessive hair growth. Hydrocortisone cream is another option that can come in handy if you’re trying to reduce the swelling of a big bite and soothe the affected area.
Cool Down the Bite
When medication isn’t available, an easy way to help reduce inflammation is by applying something cool to the bite. Use a cold compress, an ice pack, or even a wet cloth to induce the dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin to narrow and minimize the redness. The cooling sensation on the skin will also have a soothing effect and mitigate the itchiness.
Moisturize Frequently
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Source : Chewed Up by Mosquitoes? Tackle Itchy Bites with These Tips