More and more web applications using Angular today need a kind of map, either to just display their location, or visualize their data. These data can be from points/locations of services/places/etc, or a user input, to more complex visuals like heatmaps or paths. These visualizations can easily be achieved with the Google Maps JS API. However, the integration with Angular and the use of its tools is not always straightforward.
In this presentation from iJS London 2018, Katerina Skroumpelou offers examples of how to integrate Google Maps easily into your Angular application without the use of any external libraries. She also shows some techniques for visualising spatial data on these maps.
If you’re here for the slides, here’s where to find them.
We also invited Katerina to participate in our Women in Tech series.
Women are not brought up with the right role models. And it’s not always their families to blame for that. It rarely is, to be honest. If you take a look at the media, the movies, all mass produced culture and products, at least up until the previous decade, women there played a very specific role. This role tends to be changing as the years go by. And it will be reflected in our field, eventually. It just takes some time!
I am very positive that this change will even out sooner than we think! I believe (and hope) that I am doing my bit, being active as I am, hoping that I will encourage more to come into our field. I and any other woman like me. Because, sometimes, we need to see paradigms to believe and imitate.
I believe that there is a global shift taking place, reflected in art, media, culture and products, where the position and role of women is becoming less and less stereotypical. I want to hope that in the near future we will stop talking about “that’s a man’s job” and “that’s a woman’s job”, therefore refraining from affecting the professional orientation of kids from a much too early age, where role models are set.
Read the entire interview here.
Katerina Skroumpelou is a software engineer at This Dot Media. In the past, she worked with web maps at the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. In her free time, she is all web, speaking at conferences, experimenting with web maps and co-organizing the AngularAthens meetup. She likes to mix and match web technologies. Before diving into web development, she studied Architectural Engineering and Spatial Analysis at UCL. She is indigenous to the internet, and she loves web development. So much that she does not understand the distinction between work and life sometimes. Or so her friends say. She lives with her Maine Coon in Athens, Greece.
The post Angular with Maps? It’s Maptastic! appeared first on JAXenter.
Source : JAXenter