Andy Samberg has a solution for filming during the pandemic, and it involves diapers

  • July 24, 2020

If you’re concerned that social distancing might mean movies stop getting made altogether, fear not. Andy Samberg has the perfect solution.

“It could go one of two ways, right,” Samberg tells Conan in the clip above. “We get it under control, there’s a vaccine, or we come up with some great protocol that actually feels safe. 

“Or – and hear me out – everything goes mo-cap. Motion capture. And we all get Ready Player One-style mo-cap rigs in our homes, and you can audition this way and then actually shoot this way. It’s like Avatar-style, but it’s like in your own little pod.”

Crucially, Samberg stresses, diapers would need to be involved, just like in the Ready Player One novel. So that time isn’t wasted. Read more…

More about Conan O Brien, Andy Samberg, Conan, Entertainment, and Celebrities

Source : Andy Samberg has a solution for filming during the pandemic, and it involves diapers