Self-driving cars are almost too observant, taking in information from light-emitting LiDAR sensors, radar equipment, microphones, and cameras. But all the information a car gleans from the outside world still has to be wrangled to be useful.
Cruise’s fleet of self-driving cars testing in San Francisco take in petabytes of data each month from its sensor suite on the road and in simulation, similar to other configurations other self-driving car companies have on autonomous vehicles. A petabyte is a million gigabytes, by the way.
So to corral all this information, Cruise — through a hackathon event — created an open-source data visualization platform called Webviz. Other autonomous vehicle companies offer different aspects of the self-driving process, like Baidu’s Apollo open-source autonomous driving platform. Now Cruise is opening up its application for anyone who works with robotics. Read more…
More about Cruise, Self Driving Cars, Data Visualization, Tech, and Transportation
Source : All the data self-driving cars take in from cameras looks like this