
Here’s another reminder to stop flushing your wet wipes down the toilet.
Water authorities discovered a huge fatberg, measuring a dizzyingly large 64 metres (69.9 yards) long, lurking in a sewer beneath the English coastal town of Sidmouth.
SEE ALSO: The toilets are overflowing in national parks. But that’s not the worst problem.
It may not be as large as the 250 metre (273 yard) long one found in London in 2017, but boy, it’s certainly as gross looking for sure.
South West Water posted pics of the fatberg on Twitter.
Devon’s largest #fatberg has been discovered in Sidmouth. It’s a whopping 64 metres long, that’s over 6 double-decker buses back-to-back 🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌😷#ThinkSink 👉 Don’t pour cooking oil, fat and grease down the sink#LoveYourLoo 👉 Only flush the #3Ps – pee, paper and poo pic.twitter.com/fTtd2vazLc
— South West Water (@SouthWestWater) January 8, 2019 Read more…
More about Uk, Fatberg, Culture, and Climate Environment
Source : Admire, or be aghast, at this huge fatberg found in a British seaside town