High school valedictorian Mason Bleu put the pride in Pride Month when he ended his graduation speech by coming out as bisexual. In a video that went viral on Twitter, he spoke on the importance of pride and in being proud of who he is, and quite frankly brought the house down with some real words of wisdom.
“I’ve dodged it and ignored it because I wasn’t proud of who I am,” said Bleu in his speech. “But today I’m changing that. I’m proud to be a bisexual man.”
So I came out during my valedictorian speech. It was definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done but the reaction was amazing. Thank you to everyone who supported me! #Pride2019 #LGBTQ pic.twitter.com/u8ih03NTJd
— mason 🇩🇴 (@maasonbleu) June 29, 2019 Read more…
More about Pride Month 2019, Valedictorian Coming Out, Mason Bleu, Graduation 2019, and Culture
Source : A high school student came out in his valedictorian speech to wild applause