A Brooklyn rave is about peace, love, unity, respect — and ‘Sailor Moon’

  • January 27, 2023

“In the name of the moon… we’ll plur with you! Come PLUR OR COME PURR!” read the online invite to the recent Sailor Moon rave, which came to the Brooklyn Monarch on December 29. Plur, which stands for “Peace, Love, Unity, Respect,” is a mantra for the electric dance music and rave communities, an acronym that grew out of a desire to have a safe, inclusive, ethical space to experience music and movement.

And then there’s Sailor Moon. The iconic anime series premiered in Japan in 1992 during the peak era of rave culture; more than 30 years later, Sailor Moon memes and references are engrained in internet language and culture. Mashable culture critic Jess Joho called watching the series, which you can stream on Hulu, “like chicken soup for the queer soul.”

Now that the online world is sparking IRL dance parties based around meme phenomenons like Shrek and Wednesday Addams, is it any wonder Sailor Moon is getting its due? Attendees came together to dance, dress up, and document their experience with selfies. Photographer Lucia Buricelli was there to capture it all.

Dyptic of people in costume and people in crowd

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Person in blue costume in blue chair

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Sailor Moon flyer and napkin

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Two images of people taking photographs

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Person in costume taking selfie

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Collage of sailor moon cookies, costume, and rave accessories

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Two individuals dancing in Sailor Moon costumes

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Profile of individual in sailor moon costume

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Sailor Moon costume closeup

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Two individuals talking to each other

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Person texting in costume

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Collage of posing person's legs and floor

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Person in costume looking in mirror

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

{erson texting in front of Sailor Moon poster

Credit: Lucia Buricelli

Source :

A Brooklyn rave is about peace, love, unity, respect — and ‘Sailor Moon’