Young people have a lot more life to live, but if we don’t address climate change, the planet they live on will look nothing like it does today. The good news is, a number of young people are putting up a fight.
At the United Nations’ New York City headquarters, Mashable spoke to Noura Berrouba and Alexandria Villaseñor, two young activists who are working to make the world a better, greener place. Berrouba, 25, serves on the governing body of the European Youth Parliament, a program that helps young people engage with crucial political and cultural issues in their regionVillaseñor, 13, skipped school multiple Fridays in a row to strike outside the United Nations headquarters in New York, inspired by Greta Thunberg’s #FridaysForFuture movement. Read more…
More about Climate, Activism, Climate Change, Social Good, and Climate Environment
Source : 3 ways to combat climate change according to young activists