The World’s on Fire. Can We Still Talk About Books?
The role of literature in a year when every week brought a new atrocity Photo by Christopher Burns This July, I hit a low. A how-do-we-keep-fighting-one-more-day low,...
The role of literature in a year when every week brought a new atrocity Photo by Christopher Burns This July, I hit a low. A how-do-we-keep-fighting-one-more-day low,...
You can’t walk two feet without being smacked in the face by something superheroic these days, and as superheroes expand beyond comics into movies and more, more...
The holidays are upon us—I am listening to Mariah Carey as I type—and you’re probably planning your decor. Are you using books? Why not? If you...
Let’s face it: you’re not going to get everything you wanted this holiday season. Sometimes we just have to take matters into our own hands. And...
There used to be a time when sharing a video online was a tough job. These days, the problem has morphed into having too many options....
It’s beginning to look a lot like Best Of season Lists on every site But the prettiest sight to see is the fictional crime that will...
I had many wintertime traditions with my family while growing up, like annual ski trips, epic board game face-offs, and watching the original Star Wars trilogy...
Trends emerge and die, and then they come back again. Especially when it comes to the undead. Whether vampires are in vogue or not, vampire novels...
As the busyness of the holidays threaten to engulf us with parties and cooking, shopping and spending, we sometimes forget to savor the simple pleasures of...
Back in the old days, the word ‘fantasy’ referred pretty much exclusively to ‘high fantasy’. Now, of course, we’ve branched out; you’ll see descriptors like ‘epic’...