Take a virtual tour with a professional pizza enthusiast
You might think you love pizza, but Miriam Weiskind truly loves pizza. She has given pizza tours of Manhattan and Brooklyn for Video shot in the pizza...
You might think you love pizza, but Miriam Weiskind truly loves pizza. She has given pizza tours of Manhattan and Brooklyn for Video shot in the pizza...
With all the change our world saw over the past year, people are relying more than ever on high-quality, updated information about the places around them...
As the pandemic accelerates changes in how and where we work, many of us will need to upgrade our skills or even change careers. Today we’re...
At Google, our mission has always been to make sure that information serves everyone in important moments, whether it’s helping you find a COVID vaccine near...
One of the things I find most inspiring in life is the transformative potential of technology. The ability to solve complex real world problems, like contact...
Quarkus is driving Java-based applications and services into the future. More specifically, the Quarkus framework is helping to drive Java-coded assets into a future that is...
Combating climate change requires action from everyone—businesses, governments, cities and people. We believe that by investing in technology we can help build novel solutions and empower...
The last year marks a massive paradigm shift on the TV screen, as more people than ever turn to YouTube on connected TVs (CTV) not only...
A research study by The National Center for Women & Information Technology showed that “gender diversity has specific benefits in technology settings,” which could explain why tech companies...
In 1895, Thaddeus Cahill, an inventor from Iowa, started work on the world’s first electromechanical musical instrument. Weighing in at 200 tons and measuring 60 feet...