The ML Conference 2019 program is now live!
Worried that you’re not on trend with one of the hottest innovations in tech? It’s time to get ready for ML Conference 2019, where renowned pioneers...
Worried that you’re not on trend with one of the hottest innovations in tech? It’s time to get ready for ML Conference 2019, where renowned pioneers...
LetsGoDigital Foldable phones might be the strangest and most revolutionary tech of 2019. But how do these things work, and when will we get the chance...
British startup venture builder Entrepreneur First is eying additional expansion in Asia, where its operation is now as large as it is in Europe, as it...
JAXenter: Minecraft is not necessarily the first thing one would think of when talking about Java but, as it turns out, this popular game has what...
It turns out those regulators in Brussels know what’s what. Half a year into the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation experiment, and it turns out that...
Last year a coalition of Canadian ISPs and movie industry companies called for a Canadian site-blocking regime. This plan triggered a fair amount of pushback. Law professor Michael Geist...
A research study by The National Center for Women & Information Technology showed that “gender diversity has specific benefits in technology settings,” which could explain why tech...
GitHubbers couldn’t get enough of machine learning in 2018. The data doesn’t lie: the 2018 State of the Octoverse report showed that ML and data science...
Open Banking and PSD2 — groundbreaking regulation from the U.K. and European Union, respectively — set out to fix what politicians and civil servants perceived as...
Concerns about disinformation run high ahead of elections, a time when secure access to authoritative information is essential. Over the past few years, as more attempts...