Enhance your digital strategy: Women of Publishing Leadership Series
This summer, we’re excited to introduce the Women of Publishing Leadership Series, brought to you by the Google Partnerships team. This masterclass is an opportunity to...
This summer, we’re excited to introduce the Women of Publishing Leadership Series, brought to you by the Google Partnerships team. This masterclass is an opportunity to...
When journalist Megan Lucero started as director at U.K. based Bureau Local, she had an ambitious mission: to use technology to discover powerful public interest stories...
In the United States, more than 440,000 children are in foster care. Every year, approximately 20,000 of those youth age out of care, without any positive...
Just this weekend, a GameStop employee told me that triple-A titles for the Switch like Super Smash Bros Ultimate For $10 Off’, ‘B01N5OKGLH’);window.ga(‘unique.send’, ‘event’, ‘Commerce’, ‘gizmodo...
Huawei is in a tough position. Google pulled its Android vendor license, Intel, Qualcomm, and ARM refuse to work with the company, Microsoft pulled its laptop...
Avengers: Endgame takes Thor to an emotional low point so dark that he sinks into an existential, alcohol-fueled depression. It causes the thunder god to go...
Excel provides a plethora of features for organizing, manipulating, and handling your data. One of these unique features is inserting a PDF directly into Excel. The...
Update: This deal is available again, if you missed it a few weeks ago. Amazon lists the AirPods as “temporarily out of stock,” but you can...
You can change the display resolution of your Mac to make text larger or gain more space. There are some predefined scaled resolutions available, but you...
Personalizing your icons is a great way to make a PC uniquely yours. Let’s take a look at the different ways Windows lets you customize your...