Meet the Full Creative Team Behind Amazon’s Lord of the Rings
Here are the folks looking to take you on a journey to Middle-Earth’s Second Age. Read more… Source : Meet the Full Creative Team Behind Amazon’s...
Here are the folks looking to take you on a journey to Middle-Earth’s Second Age. Read more… Source : Meet the Full Creative Team Behind Amazon’s...
A hacker gained access to internal files and documents owned by security company and SSL certificate issuer Comodo by using an email address and password mistakenly...
Is space truly within reach for startups and VC? With the 50th anniversary of the moon landing taking place this past week, Darrell Etherington takes a...
Sounds like notorious human rights abuser Saudi Arabia’s plan to build a massive new city of the future on the border with Egypt and Jordan is going...
Hey, but the fourth season hasn’t even premiered yet! Read more… Source : The Expanse Is Getting a Fifth Season on Amazon Prime
This week professor David Carroll, whose dogged search for answers to how his personal data was misused plays a focal role in The Great Hack: Netflix’s...
Tesla’s games library is getting bigger, and the latest announced title is probably a familiar one to gaming fans: Cuphead. This indie game was released in...
Facebook and Google could be forced to give up the deets about their secret sauce algorithms thanks to an Australian proposal for increased regulation of the...
Gatik AI, the autonomous vehicle startup that’s aiming for the sweet middle spot in the world of logistics, is officially on the road through a partnership...
The chemist who helped create the magic sauce behind Juul, Xing Chenyue, unveiled the product of her new startup Myst Labs this week after two years...