Voting Machines: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
United States elections are not evidence-based elections. Only two states, Colorado and New Mexico, conduct manual audits sufficiently robust to detect vote tally manipulation. Depending on...
United States elections are not evidence-based elections. Only two states, Colorado and New Mexico, conduct manual audits sufficiently robust to detect vote tally manipulation. Depending on...
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Sponsored by Aquicorn Cove, a beautiful, LGBTQ-friendly conservation fable from the Eisner Award-winning author of The Tea Dragon Society. Today’s Featured Deals A Duke by Default:...
It is a tricky and ambitious plan to show Rembrandt’s works alongside those of his admirers, imitators, and copyists, as the National Gallery of Scotland’s “Rembrandt: Britain’s Discovery of...
I am just going to come out and say it: The United States is at fault for the current migrant caravan that is currently pushing its...
One of the best experiences during my time in college was studying abroad in Ghana. Although I spent a day in the Bahamas while on my...
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron is a classic book about Buddhist meditation in the Tibetan Shambala tradition that I...
Sponsored by Amazon Publishing. When was a word first used in print? You may be surprised! Enter a date below to see the words first recorded on...
In the early 1980s, when I was an editor at Condé Nast’s House & Garden magazine, my colleagues and I were perturbed by an idée fixe of...
Trump may stumble at times, but his shrewdness is not to be minimized: his anti-immigration rhetoric could well be an effective way to get his base—considered...