My Life Became a Roberto Bolaño Novel
When I read Roberto Bolaño’s novel The Savage Detectives some years ago, I didn’t spend much time wondering who the so-called detectives of the title were....
When I read Roberto Bolaño’s novel The Savage Detectives some years ago, I didn’t spend much time wondering who the so-called detectives of the title were....
A formerly moderate, pro-civil rights, pro-abortion rights, reform-minded politician has enabled a president who not only has set back race relations, but has also packed the...
Download Gegen den Strich by J.-K. Huysmans free now. in the link to download below you will be able to download and get the book Gegen...
Download The Dolphin in History by John C. Lilly and Ashley Montagu free now. in the link to download below you will be able to download...
Download The Wolf Demon by Albert W. Aiken free now. in the link to download below you will be able to download and get the book...
Sponsored by our giveaway of $100 to Amazon in support of Swords and Spaceships, our sci-fi/fantasy newsletter! These deals were active as of this writing, but...
Nashville is a bustling, colorful city full of music, food, culture, and a wealth of literary destinations. I was a Nashvillian for twenty-two years, and I...
When I was pregnant, I had all sorts of ideas about how I was going to parent (LOL don’t we all). I was drawn to attachment...
Sarah Perry’s novel The Essex Serpent is a beautifully written, complex novel that immerses the reader in the atmosphere and prejudices of Victorian, rural England. Cora...
Enter to win our giveaway of $100 to spend at Amazon! Some of those great final lines remain markers of our favorite novels, holy relics of...