Our Bookstore Reading Meet-Cute
On Independent Bookstore Day, Rakesh Satyal tweeted about a hypothetical bookstore meet-cute, so I responded with the real-life adorable story of how my husband and I...
On Independent Bookstore Day, Rakesh Satyal tweeted about a hypothetical bookstore meet-cute, so I responded with the real-life adorable story of how my husband and I...
Memoirs, to me, have all the wonderful connection and intimacy of a good conversation without…you know, the conversation part that makes my introvert self squirm in...
Maybe you’ve heard of an author named J.R.R. Tolkien. Perhaps you’ve read or watched The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. Those fantastic fantasy worlds...
A queer story inspired by mythology? Yes, please. Check out Orpheus Girl by Brynne Rebele-Henry, and read the exclusive excerpt below! When Raya, a queer teenager,...
This mother-daughter book quiz is sponsored by Until The Last Star Fades by Jacquelyn Middleton. Perfect for Mother’s Day, Until The Last Star Fades is a slow-burn romance and...
This list of noir fiction retellings is sponsored by Looking For Garbo by Jon James Miller. In Looking For Garbo, tabloid NYC reporter Seth Moseley gets a hot...
This week’s Book Fetish is sponsored by Wednesday Books. From one of the most followed BookTubers today, Christine Riccio, comes a story about second chances, discovering yourself,...
This week’s featured trailer is for Inebriated by Katey Taylor. Barely seventeen and as pretty as can be: the summer is their playground. Cait and her best friends...
Sponsored by the audiobook edition of The Guest Book by Sarah Blake. In the early 20th century, Franklin K. Matthiews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of...
Tyrese Coleman’s debut, How to Sit, defies easy categorization. It’s a slim book—about 120 pages—that blends essay and fiction. A finalist for the PEN Open Book...