Why Chicory Was One of the Most Heartwarming, Thoughtful and FUN Games of 2021

  • January 5, 2022
Wandersong was without a doubt one of my very favorite titles of 2018, so when I found out that creator Greg Lobanov was working on his next game, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, I had high expectations for yet another empathetic, compelling and feel-good title that was also loads of fun. Chicory does not disappoint. The game was officially released last June, but didn’t come to the Nintendo Switch until December, which was when I reached out to the team and was generously provided with a key to review the game. As soon as I booted the game up, I was completely sucked into the lovely, and … Continue reading “Why Chicory Was One of the Most Heartwarming, Thoughtful and FUN Games of 2021″

Source : Why Chicory Was One of the Most Heartwarming, Thoughtful and FUN Games of 2021