What Is Coronasomnia? Dr. Lisa Medalie Explains

  • January 26, 2021
If you’ve ever struggled with sleep, you know how much you appreciate a good night’s rest. Ever since the start of COVID, there has been a major increase in insomnia cases, which is now being referred to as Coronasomnia. We were interested to learn more about the subject, so we reached out to Behavioral Sleep Medicine provider Dr. Lisa Medalie. She is a board-certified insomnia specialist and creator of DrLullaby, the first evidence-based digital sleep solutions platform for children from four months to 18 years of age. Keep reading for our full interview with Dr. Lisa Medalie, where she goes into detail … Continue reading “What Is Coronasomnia? Dr. Lisa Medalie Explains”

Source : What Is Coronasomnia? Dr. Lisa Medalie Explains