This year faculty at our school have utilized Folio Collaborative (@foliocollab), an outstanding framework encouraging teacher peer-coaching and mentorship relationships among educational professionals. I’ve had the opportunity to serve as a “Folio coach” for three of our faculty, and today I worked on website documentation of the classroom visits and observations I completed last fall and this spring. Ideally I would have entered each one of these into the Folio website as I finished them. My plate has been full to the point of overflowing with professional responsibilities and tasks, however, so while I did successfully complete required classroom observations as a Folio coach, I’m playing catch-up now with my digital documentation of these visits.
Thank goodness for Twitter! On most of the occasions when I visited the classroom of our Middle School MakerSpace teacher, Aric Sappington, I usually took a couple minutes to take and share a photo or video of the awesome lesson he was facilitating with our students and faculty. Since I maintain a Tweet Nest archive of all my tweets (, I was able to search the site today for all my posts referencing Aric. I shared about 15 tweets in all from Aric’s classroom over the course of this 2018-19 academic year.
It’s great that in addition to documenting the dates and times of my classroom visits, these tweets also archived some of the innovative lesson strategies Aric utilized with our students and faculty! Here are some of my favorites from this past year. Next year as I’m able to do even more instructional coaching with our faculty in all divisions of our school, I’m hopeful I’ll be able to keep using Twitter in this way to not only archive (for myself and my mentee teachers) but also amplify their innovation with others!
“LLI Southwest 2019” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer
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Source : Twitter Documentation of Classroom Folio Observations