Think Bleu Cheese and Hot Sauce Chocolates Sound Weird? Phillip Ashley Makes Them Exquisite

  • June 15, 2021
When it comes to chocolates, I’m no snob. If it’s chocolate, I’ll eat it—straight and simple. But on the rare occasion that I do get to indulge in fine and unique chocolates, I make sure to savor every little bit—and the moment I was offered the chance to try Phillip Ashley Chocolates‘ incredible signature collection, I knew they would be that kind of chocolate. Not only were they undoubtedly the most beautiful and elegant-looking truffles I’d ever seen, but they also boasted flavors I’d never dreamed of. The brand sent me an incredible box of 24 chocolates to enjoy, and the experience was unlike anything else … Continue reading “Think Bleu Cheese and Hot Sauce Chocolates Sound Weird? Phillip Ashley Makes Them Exquisite”

Source : Think Bleu Cheese and Hot Sauce Chocolates Sound Weird? Phillip Ashley Makes Them Exquisite