The High School Stereotype You Most Closely Resemble, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

  • March 22, 2019
If you’re in high school, you’ve probably quickly discovered that most of your fellow students don’t neatly fit into the stereotypes you know from the movies. But that doesn’t mean that the old clichéd characters are completely made up. In fact, there might be a little bit of those stereotypes in all of us. Scroll down to your zodiac sign to find out which one matches you most closely. Aries (March 21 – April 19): The Jock Aries is an athletic sign with boundless energy, which is why they’re most closely aligned with the jocks. Still, chances are that you’re not one of … Continue reading “The High School Stereotype You Most Closely Resemble, Based on Your Zodiac Sign”

Source : The High School Stereotype You Most Closely Resemble, Based on Your Zodiac Sign