The Best TV Shows Premiering Soon That’ll Ease Your Quarantine Boredom

  • April 7, 2020
Ugh, quarantine. As the days of being trapped inside drag on and on with no end in sight, our boredom is only growing worse. At this point, everything worth watching has probably been watched, and we’re all in dire need of some new entertainment if we’re going to make it through the coming weeks. Thankfully, new series are on the way. Keep scrolling for the best TV shows premiering soon that’ll ease your quarantine boredom. Chrissy’s Court  Premiere date: April 6 Where to watch: Quibi Quibi is a new streaming service launching on April 6 that focuses on content that’s 10-minutes long … Continue reading “The Best TV Shows Premiering Soon That’ll Ease Your Quarantine Boredom”

Source : The Best TV Shows Premiering Soon That’ll Ease Your Quarantine Boredom