Storystorm 2025 Day 7: Tanya Konerman Writes Her Passion

  • January 7, 2025

by Tanya Konerman

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”
–Poet Anne Sexton

We’ve all heard the advice to “Write What You Know.” But I don’t adhere to that limiting concept, of writing about only that which I’ve gotten a degree in or do in my day job. Instead, I believe in “Write What You Love,” writing about that which fills my mind and heart the rest of the time, through serious hobbies or interests my family wishes I could stop talking about every chance I get.

“I think you’ve mentioned that obscure fact a time or two…”

Write What You Love is the idea that we all have concepts, items, places, people, moments, ideas, and ideals which are meaningful, important, and life-affirming for us. Each one of us feels strongly about different things, and that potency in feeling is what can make us strong writers about those things…IF we pay attention.

“Hello! Are you listening?”

For instance, I am a nature girl–always have been, always will be. Get me started on talking about forests, trees, frogs, turtles, birds, bears, or anything related to nature in general and you will have to stop me in my size 8 tracks.

This is why I also write about nature, and nature-related topics: because I can do my best writing when I look forward to it, when I am eager to share the deeply-ingrained or experience-obtained information I possess in a creative way that shares my passion with others, and when I pay attention to the topics which seemingly flow my way (yes, I do believe we attract that which we think about and act on most in our lives).

“It came to me in a dream…no, wait, it floated down from the heavens.”

Also, by writing MY passion, I am less likely to commit the ungracious and soul-crushing sin of “Passion Appropriation” (yes, I did just coin that!).

We’ve all been there. You’re drafting or revising or even subbing your newest book, based on your personal knowledge, extensive research, and thousands of hours spent reading, following, experiencing, and obsessing over your favorite niche topic. Then, you open your newest PW email to find an announcement that sends chills down your spine: YOUR BOOK is already being published via someone else, someone possibly not as ardent or heartfelt, perhaps not as “in the know,” maybe not as connected to the topic as you are.

“Woe is me. WHATEVER shall I do?”

And while you know your book may be different in every way that counts, you also realize the market for this topic has already been breached—perhaps even saturated depending on the topic—and your heart pinches while your body grows numb with shock and you whisper…

“If only I had gone into accounting instead…”

Do you really want to be responsible for this happening to someone else when you seize upon an idea you’re not the right person to claim? I sure don’t.

So if you’re looking for your next idea, one that will make your writing feel true and right (and, dare I say, easier than if you write about something you have no interest in), plus one that shows YOU are the best one to create this book, look no further than your heart and write what you love—Write Your Passion.

“I can’t believe I get to write about what I love…what a life!”

Tanya Konerman is a children’s author, writing fiction and nonfiction in both prose and verse for kids ages 0-12. Her debut picture book, Mud to the Rescue! How Animals Use Mud to Thrive and Survive, is a lyrical nonfiction look at the ingenious ways animals around the world use mud. It is forthcoming May 20, 2025, from Web of Life Children’s Books. Tanya’s ghost story for 9-12 year-olds, “Danger in the Dunes,” was chosen to represent Indiana in the anthology for middle graders, The Haunted States of America, published by Macmillan’s Laura Godwin Books in July of 2024. Visit her at

Tanya is giving away a choice of: one copy of Mud to the Rescue! How Animals Use Mud to Thrive and Survive (must reside in U.S.; book will be sent after 5/20/25) OR a free picture book critique for a non-rhyming, 750-word or less picture book.

You’re eligible to win if you’re a registered Storystorm 2025 participant and you have commented only once below.

Prizes will be distributed at the conclusion of Storystorm.

Source : Storystorm 2025 Day 7: Tanya Konerman Writes Her Passion