Relationship Experts Share DOs and DON’Ts of Grooming for a First Date Via FaceTime

Primping for an in-person first date is tough enough, and getting ready for a first date via FaceTime brings on a whole new set of challenges. Plus, thanks to what’s been brought on by coronavirus, the latter seems to be the new normal (for now, at least). Many of the hair, makeup and outfit rules that would adamantly be followed in the flesh don’t apply when it comes to virtual dating. But then there’s that grey area, too. You don’t want to slum it up, but you also don’t want to look too overprepared. To address everyone’s confusion, we reached out to Lauren … Continue reading “Relationship Experts Share DOs and DON’Ts of Grooming for a First Date Via FaceTime”

Source : Relationship Experts Share DOs and DON’Ts of Grooming for a First Date Via FaceTime