Please Stop Using ‘Skinny’ as Your Go-To Compliment–It’s Actually Insulting

  • April 2, 2020
Like pretty much any female on the planet, I’ve at some point sported a giant grin on my face when someone referred to me as “skinny.” Whether it was actually true or not (likely untrue since I haven’t been skinny since, like, 9th grade), the influence of movies, media and peers used to instill this idea in me that my level of “skinny” equated my worth or desirability. And there was no one around me to prove otherwise. (Gossip Girl via The CW) Fast-forward to now—and many more human encounters later—I’m learning that there are so many messed up things about calling … Continue reading “Please Stop Using ‘Skinny’ as Your Go-To Compliment–It’s Actually Insulting”

Source : Please Stop Using ‘Skinny’ as Your Go-To Compliment–It’s Actually Insulting