How Children Can Benefit Greatly From Video Games

  • November 2, 2018

New post from Dr. Patricia Fioriello at Kids Learn To Blog. Read more

Giving your child the tools they need to succeed in life can sometimes be a daunting ask. With an abundance of options, and technology changing the way in which we navigate through life, children have an overwhelm array of options to help them grow and learn. In fact, one of the most prevalent forms of entertainment and education for children is video games. Unlike other tactics that might take time to integrate with your children, or that they may simply dislike, video games pair the entertainment factor with the benefits of learning perfectly. Find out more about how video games can be beneficial for kids and see how this often negatively-viewed form of entertainment can actually improve your child’s life.

Inspire Healthy Competition

The truth is that not every child is athletic. As a result, those that aren’t particularly good at sports don’t have the same opportunity to express their competitive urges in the same way. Video games give these children an outlet to enjoy the competitive side of sportsmanship in a way that is comfortable for them. They can learn to win and lose, all while striving to do better. Competing is an important part of adulthood, and knowing how to navigate competition is an important facet of everyday life.

Helps Them Make Friends

A common misconception about video games is that they provoke antisocial lifestyles and behaviors. In fact, the opposite is true, especially for children. Video games give children the opportunity to spend time with friends and mingle with like-minded kids. Just like great bingo sites such as, which provide fans of bingo with communities where they can socialize and play the game they love, children too can mimic this kind of dynamic by gathering groups of friends for a fun night of video game playing.

Improves Problem-Solving Skills

Video games have become sophisticated, both in storylines and in gameplay. This requires a keen ability to problem solve and navigate one’s way around the intricacies of elaborate worlds. Playing video games can improve a child’s ability to assess problems and come up with efficient plans-of-action. Essentially, video games help children make decisions and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions, which is a useful skill to have well into adulthood. It also improves the rate at which they can assess a problem, as video games move quickly and decisions need to be made fast.

Encourages Healthy Parent-Child Relationships

Today’s video games have evolved greatly from some of the earlier games of decades ago. These games entail elaborate stories, advanced graphics and gameplays which test the mind and challenge the player. As a result, most of these games are appropriate for both children and adults. In fact, when engaging with their parents over a session of video game playing, children will experience the necessary bonding to ensure healthy relationships. Video games can bridge the gap between old and young seamlessly, so that both can relate on common grounds and enjoy each other’s company.

Video games can be used for good when it comes to improving the way today’s youth grows and learns. Unlike popular belief, which often paints a negative picture for video games and those that play them, we find that the results of playing these games can provide children with the skills they need to lead healthy lives. Consider these benefits when allowing your children to enjoy a leisurely night of playing video games. You might find that the skills they acquire will help them with their studies, improve their social lives and, enhance how you enjoy your free-time with them.

The post How Children Can Benefit Greatly From Video Games appeared first on Kids Learn To Blog.

Source : How Children Can Benefit Greatly From Video Games