Do You REALLY Need to Toss Beauty Products When They Expire?

  • April 7, 2020
Just like food, beauty products come with an expiration date—however because these don’t get consumed and don’t always visibly spoil, do they really go bad? (via Unsplash) This is a loaded question, but the short answer is yes. While you do need to toss your beauty products when they expire, not every product is created equal. First, let’s break down the difference between shelf-life and period after opening. Most products have about a two-year shelf-life, which means they’re safe for two years from the date they’re manufactured. The period after opening (listed with a number on the little open can symbol … Continue reading “Do You REALLY Need to Toss Beauty Products When They Expire?”

Source : Do You REALLY Need to Toss Beauty Products When They Expire?