Can You Be Soulmates With a Friend? An Expert Weighs In

  • December 10, 2019
We’re going to take a wild guess and say, at some point or another, you’ve referred to someone as your “soulmate.” It’s easy to do when we find ourselves connecting with a person in a way we never have with anyone else. According to the dictionary, a soulmate is “a person with whom one has a strong affinity, shared values and tastes, and often a romantic bond.” Going off that “romantic bond,” are we crazy to think our soulmate may be someone who’s just a friend? We chatted with Dr. Terri Orbuch (aka The Love Doctor®), who explains, “Soulmates, like [emotional or intellectual] intimacy and being in love, … Continue reading “Can You Be Soulmates With a Friend? An Expert Weighs In”

Source : Can You Be Soulmates With a Friend? An Expert Weighs In