Bee Simulator Turns Players Into an Adorable Honeybee With a Mission

  • December 11, 2019
While I’m someone who cowers whenever I hear the droning sound of a buzzing bee, I’m also deeply appreciative of the vital role they play in our ecosystems. Without bees, humans would be left pretty much helpless. I think that’s one of the things that first attracted me to VARSAV Game Studios’ unusual Bee Simulator, which allows players to take control of a honeybee on a mission to save her hive. I reached out to the publishers, who were kind enough to provide me with a review code for the game on Nintendo Switch, and here’s what I’ve been loving about it. (Bee Simulator via … Continue readingBee Simulator Turns Players Into an Adorable Honeybee With a Mission”

Source : Bee Simulator Turns Players Into an Adorable Honeybee With a Mission