6 Rom-Com Clichés That Would NEVER Work IRL

  • February 7, 2019
I have a love-hate relationship with romantic comedies. On one hand, I’m a big ol’ softie who loves nothing more than a happily ever after. On the other hand, I’m still irritated by the fact that rom-com relationships never seem to mimic what actually happens in the world of dating. What’s more, many of the classic rom-com tropes would be a major turnoff if they were to ever occur in a real-life relationship scenario. Don’t believe me? Keep scrolling for 6 rom-com clichés that would never work IRL. Meeting at the Top of the Empire State Building What is it with romantic comedies and the … Continue reading “6 Rom-Com Clichés That Would NEVER Work IRL”

Source : 6 Rom-Com Clichés That Would NEVER Work IRL