6 Creative Valentine’s Day Cards That Are Sure to Make Your S.O. Swoon

  • February 7, 2019
Those cheap, perforated V-Day cards are a thing of the past! When it comes to Valentine’s Day, 2019 is all about creativity. From personalized photo greetings, to notes that are sealed with a scent, companies are going above and beyond to make sure your S.O. receives the thoughtful token they deserve. While there are plenty of cards on the market, we dug deep to find the best of the batches. Keep reading for six creative Valentine’s Day cards that are sure to make your S.O. swoon: 1. Lovepop BB-8 Mine 3D Card: $15 Shark Tank-backed brand Lovepop makes the cutest, most crafty … Continue reading “6 Creative Valentine’s Day Cards That Are Sure to Make Your S.O. Swoon”

Source : 6 Creative Valentine’s Day Cards That Are Sure to Make Your S.O. Swoon