Use the letters of your name to generate a can’t-miss sentimental narrative
The winter holidays are a time for overindulgence, family bickering, and most importantly, saccharine but extremely effective tearjerking stories about love, forgiveness, community, family, peace on Earth, and finding a functional application for your weird nose. Sometimes these are vaguely religious, but more often they’re about the Goodness in the Human Heart and how Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus and whatnot. But after 150 or so years of the same holiday stories, we’re ready for some fresh blood, or at least some fresh milk and cookies. Thus, we are introducing a Holiday Story Generator, so you can sniff out the sentimental holiday narrative hidden within your own name. (Christmas has a real monopoly on this type of emotional manipulation, but we threw in some Chanukah ones if we thought they were funny, including a deep cut for you real Chanukah story fans.)
Write Your Own Touching Holiday Story With Our Handy Chart was originally published in Electric Literature on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Source : Write Your Own Touching Holiday Story With Our Handy Chart