The Center Blows Itself Up: Care and Spite in the ‘Brexit Election’

  • January 13, 2020
The simultaneous embrace of markets, and of rules and regulations, represents the soul of what’s sometimes called “centrism.” It’s a decidedly unlovely combination. Nobody truly likes it. But the talking classes had reached an absolute consensus that no politicians who departed significantly from it could possibly win elections. Labour’s left-wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn, was thus declared “unelectable.” Former leader Tony Blair even openly stated that he would rather see his own party defeated than come into power on Corbyn’s leftist platform. But if the results of the 2019 election mean anything, they reveal an overwhelming rejection of centrism. The center of British politics has become a smoldering pit.

Source : The Center Blows Itself Up: Care and Spite in the ‘Brexit Election’