Not Even My People Recognize Me: Featured Poetry by Johanny Vázquez Paz

  • December 12, 2019

Our series of poetry excerpts continues with a poem from I Offer My Heart as a Target/Ofrezco mi corazón como una diana by Johanny Vázquez Paz, translated by Lawrence Schimel.

Paz offers a lament of identity and appearance; the recurring usage of “they”—both displaced and omnipresent—suggests the narrator’s feeling that her light skin and hair are seen as a curse. She is a “discordant note:” unwanted and unwelcome.

“Milkman’s Daughter”

They say
that I don’t look like what I am
my white skin
                           lonely cloud in a shady sky
my hair
                           rays of a Nordic sun
my hips
                           narrow lacking substance and sugar.

They say
that I pronounce words differently
my diction is too proper
without changing my arr or dropping my esses
very Castilian and beyond mockery.

They say
that I don’t represent the folklore of the people
the patriotic symbols, the plátano stain
not even my people recognize me as a daughter;
I’m the enigma of a badly conceived graft.

They call me milkman’s daughter
güera, gringa, polaca
glass of milk, Casper the Ghost
discordant note, alien being
the white sheep in a coppery herd.

“Milkman’s Daughter” is excerpted from I Offer My Heart as a Target/Ofrezco mi corazón como una diana, copyright 2019 by Johanny Vázquez Paz, translated from Spanish by Lawrence Schimel. All rights reserved. Used with permission of the author and Akashic Books (

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Source : Not Even My People Recognize Me: Featured Poetry by Johanny Vázquez Paz