We’ve rounded up 18 new and notable titles publishing today, March 14.
Want to know which title’s we’re most excited about this month? Take a peek at our March Most Anticipated list.
The Best of Everything by Rona Jaffe, introduction by Rachel Syme
PW says: “Many young career girls (to use the term loosely) will undoubtedly thrill to the adventures to the adventures of Miss Jaffe’s characters as all four set about learning for themselves that men are pretty much beasts.” (1958)
Raving by McKenzie Wark
The Millions says: “An avid raver herself, Wark blends academic analysis with her own first-hand accounts, all relayed with sensual, staccato prose.” Read more.
Still Life with Bones by Alexa Hagerty
The Millions says: “Anthropologists like Alexa Hagerty are working to exhume and examine the dead, piecing together their bodies and their stories in an urgent but potentially quixotic quest for resolution, and attempting to bring a sense of humanity to the forensic sciences.” Read more.
How to Think Like a Woman by Regan Penaluna
The Millions says: “Blending biography, criticism, and memoir, Penaluna explores the lives and beliefs of these thinkers, as well as the ways women—past and present—have been devalued within philosophy, academia, and history.” Read more.
Heart Sutra by Yan Lianke, translated by Carlos Rojas
PW says: “While Yan’s similes are dubious and awkwardly translated (“the sky was as dark as though it were covered in a black cloth”), his barbs against organized religion frequently hit their targets (a Christian claims the Communist Party as one of Jesus’s disciples).” Read more.
The Drinker of Horizons by Mia Couto, translated by David Brookshaw
PW says: “Despite a jarring time jump in the final chapter, Couto succeeds in wrapping up each character’s story and in spotlighting the ravages of colonization. Series fans will enjoy this finale.” Read more.

Blue Hunger by Viola Di Grado, translated by Jamie Richards
PW says: “It’s worth indulging in this visceral story about a woman’s difficulty with finding satisfaction, sexual and otherwise.” Read more.
The Flames by Sophie Haydock
PW says: “Haydock’s stunning debut captures the ecstatic shock of erotic art during the bohemian period of the Vienna Secession, dialing in on the brief life of Egon Schiele and the four women who influenced the painter.” Read more.
Take What You Need by Idra Novey
PW says: “Novey unfurls a blistering if uneven two-hander about culture clashes in contemporary Southern Appalachia.” Read more.
Dust Child by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
PW says: “Though the structure feels a bit forced, Nguyễn is at her best when the characters directly address their need for absolution and acceptance, which Nguyễn stages in dramatic scenes and with a cinematic clarity.” Read more.
Künstlers in Paradise by Cathleen Schine
PW says: “Reading like a cross between Leopoldstadt and Down and Out in Beverly Hills, this does the trick as an emotionally resonant meditation on family, memory, and the need for stories.” Read more.
Our Best Intentions by Vibhuti Jain
PW says: “Jain excels at revealing each character’s motivations and fears, and at how easily the truth can be distorted.” Read more.

The Dog of the North by Elizabeth McKenzie
PW says: “With the anxious and well-meaning Penny at the helm, McKenzie brings sincerity to the otherwise zany proceedings. This whirlwind tale has heart to spare.” Read more.
Walking Practice by Dolki Min, translated by Victoria Caudle
PW says: “Min probes themes such as gender and otherness in this provocative if clunky story of an alien trapped on Earth.” Read more.
Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
PW says: “The author breathes great life into her characters, and brings insight into their quiet moments as they gradually come into their own.” Read more.
Bootstrapped by Alissa Quart
PW says: “Quart’s vision of an America where no one needs to put on ‘codified theatrical performances via social media’ to get the help they need is a breath of fresh air.” Read more.
Brother and Sister Enter the Forest by Richard Mirabella
The Millions says: “Threading the dual timelines of the past and the present, Mirabella’s debut novel explores queerness, mental illness, trauma, and love.” Read more.
We Were Once a Family by Roxanna Asgarian
PW says: “Throughout, Asgarian makes clear that the endemic failures that led to this shocking tragedy continue to affect countless families caught up in the child welfare system. Sensitive, impassioned, and eye-opening, this is a must-read.” Read more.
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