“American Rarebit,” a comic by John Leavitt
Welcome to The Commuter, our home for poetry, flash, graphic, and experimental narrative.
Issue №52

About the Artist
John Leavitt is a writer and artist whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, Vice, The Awl, The Toast, and more. He can be found at Leavittalone.com and @LeavittAlone.
About Recommended Reading and The Commuter
The Commuter publishes here every Monday, and is our home for flash and graphic narrative, and poetry. Recommended Reading is the weekly fiction magazine of Electric Literature, publishing every Wednesday morning. In addition to featuring our own recommendations of original, previously unpublished fiction, we invite established authors, indie presses, and literary magazines to recommend great work from their pages, past and present. For access to year-round submissions, join our membership program on Drip, and follow Recommended Reading on Medium to get every issue straight to your feed. Recommended Reading is supported by the Amazon Literary Partnership, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. For other links from Electric Literature, follow us, or sign up for our eNewsletter.
“American Rarebit” is published here by permission of the artist, John Leavitt. Copyright © John Leavitt 2019. All rights reserved.

I Keep a Stack of Kraft Singles in the Fridge was originally published in Electric Literature on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.