Things I miss from childhood include fancy Viennetta ice cream, Hi-C Ecto Cooler, and especially library checkout cards and due date slips. At my elementary school library, students would choose a book, then use a pencil to fill out his or her name and homeroom teacher on the checkout card. Our librarian would file the card and then stamp the due date on the due date slip.
I loved finding a book, pulling out the check out card, and then reading all of the names of kids who checked the book out before me. Sometimes I checked out books multiple times throughout different grades. I watched my handwriting change and develop from large print to spirally cursive over the course of four or five grade levels.
I am now a teacher at the same school that I attended. I still visit our library on a weekly basis. The library checkout cards are long gone. I now listen to the “boop” noise that the scanner makes as the librarian helps students check out books. While I am sure it is more efficient than the old method, I miss seeing those checkout cards and little library pockets in the books. I feel like students are missing out on the child created handwritten history that each book used to carry with it.
If you too have fond memories of these library artifacts, peruse these library checkout card and due date gifts.
Library Card Mugs
This Coffee Break is Overdue Coffee Mug from FlyPaperProducts
Library Card Mugs in Multiple Colors from ForReadingAddicts
Due Date Mug from JoyfulMoose
Library Card Paper Goods
Four Pack of Notebooks from WhirlingWorld
Bright Library Card Spiral Journals from CampfireDesigns
Mini Library Card Bundles from AnniesPaperBoutique
Printable Retro Library Cards from ELKGraphicDesign
Library Card Clothes and Accessories
Vintage Library Card Earrings from LizaandLulus
Custom Vintage Library Card Shirt from HummingbirdStudiosCo
Library Card Chiffon Scarf from UniversalZone
Due Date Socks from ThisWear
Checkout Cards and Due Date Home Goods
Library Card Throw Pillow from Roostery
Library cards Curtain Panel from Roostery
Harry Potter–Inspired Library Card Print from RIGirlatHeart
Brightly Colored Library Card Pillows from Dirtsastudio
Vintage Checkout Cards Coasters Inspired by Classic Novels from TheTraveledLane
Check Out a Few More Library Posts
My Library Card Made Me Less of a Picky Reader
Mom’s Library Visit vs. Four-Year-Old’s Library Visit
6 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Library Card
Source : Check Out These Library Checkout Card Inspired Goods