Shamefully, I spend much more time scrolling bookish social media than I do reading. But how can I resist, when there’s a whole world of readers out there sharing their favorite books in new and creative ways? My TBR may suffer from it — both because it adds books to it at an alarming pace and because it takes away from my reading time — but I love seeing how other bookish people incorporate this hobby into their lives.
Recently, I saw Laynie Rose on Twitter post their wrap up from her last month of reading as a graphic with the covers scribbled out with some of the colors on the cover, inviting their followers to guess the books based on the color palette. Although I am very much a not visual person and have trouble holding images in my mind, I immediately wanted to figure out this mystery.
So, I thought I’d continue this game with my own take, using some of the most widely-known books and covers of all time. These are all what I’d call classic books, though that’s a nebulous category. I used what I think is the most iconic cover of each, but that was easier to choose with some titles than others. There are two books per graphic, and you can check your answer using the links under the images. Happy guessing!
Check your answer for book 1 and book 2

Book 1 // Book 2

Book 1 // Book 2

Book 1 // Book 2

Book 1 // Book 2

Book 1 // Book 2
Looking for more books to guess? Try this post: Can You Name These ’90s Kids’ Books Based On Part of the Cover?
Source : Can You Guess This Classic Book By Its Color Palette?