8 Miles Morales Costume Ideas To Buy And DIY


Ultimate Spider-Man post Peter Parker has long had one of my favorite Spider-Man costumes, so I’ve rounded up a couple of Miles Morales costume options in light of the Oscar-winning (!!!) movie Into the Spider-verse. (Have you seen it? GO SEE IT!)

Miles Morales costume ideas

Want easy? There’s a Miles Morales Into the Spider-verse suit available on Amazon through Alicosplay for $45-$59. The shoes are NOT included, and you’ll have to provide your own hoodie and basketball shorts to wear over so you can fully capture the majesty from the poster.

Miles Morales Costume


Here’s a list of pieces you’ll need and possible ideas to get the same look.

Want to go super fancy with your Miles Morales costume? This version from Zentai Zone is SUPER CUSTOMIZABLE. Like shoes, lenses, fabric, and yes, even crotch zipper options (That is not a sentence I thought I would ever type. Thank you, Book Riot). This starts at $65.00.

Want to go more lo-fi? What about this beautiful hoodie from Merchoid for $60.99 with some jeans? (Yes, I have mentioned this one before, because I think it is BEAUTIFUL).

Want an adorable tiny Miles Morales costume? Check out this option on Amazon for a kids’ version for $29.99 + shipping.

Miles Morales Suit for Kids

Let’s go for cozy Miles Morales and wear this sweater from We Love Fine for $52. You know, Miles Morales in winter with hot cocoa.

DIY Miles Morales costumes

Finally, for the brave, here’s a guide for how to make your own Spider-Man suit.  There’s a couple of costume patterns around the web, like this one on ebay.

There’s also a very thorough walkthrough from TVTrev as to how he created his own costume, and it looks spectacular. I highly recommend checking it out for Miles Morales costume ideas and for a killer costume.

I am so excited to see more Miles Moraleses out and about this year! It is about damn time.

Source : 8 Miles Morales Costume Ideas To Buy And DIY