17 Snazzy CALVIN AND HOBBES Tattoos

  • December 18, 2019

Ever wanted to cover yourself in Calvin and Hobbes tattoos? Well, they might have something to say about that.

“Van Gogh would’ve sold more than one painting if he’d put tigers in them.” —Hobbes

And while a basic piece of flash might be fun, something tells me Hobbes would’ve felt similarly about tattoos, especially a Calvin and Hobbes tattoo. So bare that in mind as you pick your next piece of ink. Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes is a treasure-trove of adorable visuals and unusually insightful comments on everything from the evolutionary relevance of a sense of humor to special underwear.

These comic strips detail the adventures of  the precocious 6-year-old Calvin and his sardonic stuffed tiger, Hobbes. Below you’ll find a treasure trove of ways to cover your skin in all sorts of cartoon fun!

Watercolor is a Great Way to Add Something Extra

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Buddies forever 🙂 . . . #worldfamous #worldfamousink #worldfamoustattooink #fkirons #kwadron #griffinsalve #ezcartridgecouk #electrumstencilproducts #ultimatetattoosupply #watercolor #watercolortattoo #watercolour #watercolourtattoo #watercolortattoos #tattoo #colortattoo #abstract #abstracttattoo #sketchtattoo #sketchytattoo #calvin #hobbes #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #findyoursmile

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Never stop using your imagination 🙂 . . . #worldfamous #worldfamousink #worldfamoustattooink #fkirons #kwadron #griffinsalve #ezcartridgecouk #electrumstencilproducts #ultimatetattoosupply #watercolor #watercolortattoo #watercolour #watercolourtattoo #watercolortattoos #tattoo #colortattoo #abstract #abstracttattoo #sketchtattoo #sketchytattoo #calvin #hobbes #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #imagination #makebelieve #starwars #starwarstattoo #findyoursmile

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🖤A m i s t a d . 🖤 1. f. Afecto personal, puro y desinteresado, compartido con otra persona, que nace y se fortalece con el trato. Creo que es una de las parejas con las que más me he reído. 👦🏼🐯 ¡¿Tenéis personajes de cómic favoritos?! 📚 #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbeswisdom #calvinandhobbestattoo #customizarte #customizartetattoo #watercolortattoo

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#calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #rebelsketchtattoo #cegled #cegledtattoo @captain_ink_erfurt #erfurt #erfurttattoo #comictattoo #kázméréshuba

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Minimalism Calvin and Hobbes Tattoos

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His friend: “Wow, you’re really hairy.”

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Meu novo xódozinho, essa fofura que a @betaamundy fez. Minha homenagem ao Calvin e Haroldo que fazem aniversário bem pertinho de mim. #tattoo #calvinandhobbes #calvineharoldo #calvinandhobbestattoo #calvineharoldotattoo

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10 year old me is pretty happy with this (current me as well) #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo

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If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently. – Bill Watterson • • • Thanks Mark • • #tattoo #tattoos #tattooing #tattooed #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #art #design #drawing #sketch #lineworktattoo #illustrator #illustration #linework #cartoon #blackworkers #distinctivearts #charlsteyntattooing #cheyennetattooequipment #southafrica #africa #pretoria

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Super Colorful Tattoos are Always Fun

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Did this comic motive for Chantelle recently. Calvin and Hobbes had a lot of influence on her when she was a teenager. As an example of moral and life values. On the background of the tattoo is the sights of Cape Town, the hometown of Chantelle. Выполнил этот сюжет для гости из ЮАР на прошлой неделе. Кельвин и Хоббс были её любимыми героями и повлияли на её мировосприятие в период взросления. А у вас есть герои комиксов, которых вы хотели бы увековечить на своей коже ? Расходники @goodlucksupply #kirillputyatin #saintpetersburg #goodlucktattoospb #colortattoo #new_school #tattooistartmag #tattoomobile #tattooinrussia #inkedmag #comictattoo #thebesttattooartist #tattrx #inkjunkeyz #customtattoo #inkedlife #inkaddict #thesolidink #newschooltattoo #newschool_nation #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #calvinandhobbesfans

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“Words Fail Me” – Calvin and Hobbes . . #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #tattooist #edinburgh #edinburghtattoo #edinburghtattooartist #edinburghtattoostudio #sempertattoo #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #tiger #tigertattoo #cartoontattoo #comic #comictattoo #colourtattoo #funtattoo #geektattoo #nerdtattoo

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Or How About One of Those Iconic Quotes?

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Sometimes you give in and tattoo the piece upside-down, because the client has an actual personal reason for it. You try to convince them otherwise, but in the end it’s still a cool piece. (Even though it’s upside-down) #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #sugarhouse #sugarhood #slc #slcartist #slctattoo #tattoo #tattooartist #saltlakecity #saltlakeartist #saltlaketattoo #prohibitioninktattoo

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Hej there… Motto for the day! Thanks @o0azrael0o for the support and the love! . Wanna get tattooed then DM me ! See ya! 🖤 . Done @das.kabinett . #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #tattooapprentice #tattooapprenticeship #daskabinett #prinzofheaven #blackwork #comic #comictattoo #badmood #tattooart #illustration #drawing #tattooideas #berlintattooers #tattoo #ink #inked #streetart #tattooed #berlin #ignorantstyletattoo #blackworktattoos #illustrationtattoo #journey

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What if there is no afterlife?⁣ ⁣ Recently I’ve been watching The Good Place on Netflix and I’m lovingggg it⁣ ⁣ I like how it makes you think about the way you act and what your points would be, but what if there was no afterlife? Would you still be ok with being an asshole?⁣ ⁣ Let me know in the comments below!!⁣ ⁣ #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #comictattoos #thegoodplacememes #detroittattooartist #tigertattoo #femaletattooartist

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Can’t wait to see how this one heals. I love this comic since I could read. Can’t wait to do a spaceman spiff one 😉 #calvinandhobbes #tattoo #newtattoo #colorfultattoo #watercolortattoo #watterson #wattersontattoo #calvinandhobbestattoo #eternalinks

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Or Maybe You Just Wanna Go All Out

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#calvinandhobbes sleeve finished….#obi1theonly1 #inkmaster8 #calvinandhobbestattoo

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Got to add a couple more panels and color a little bit on this Calvin and Hobbes sleeve! So much to do still, but I can’t wait to see this one come together! Would love to start some more similar projects! Now booking for October! #calvinandhobbes #calvinandhobbestattoo #calvinandhobbesfans #comiccon #fytcartridges #fytsupplies #fytemerald #cheyenne_tattooequipment #griffinsalve #electrumstencilproducts #electrumstencilprimer #saniderm #sanidermaftercare @blacktoothtattooco #ohiotattooers #ohiotattooartist #akronohio @blacktoothtattooco #hustlebutter #tattoo #girlswithtattoos #inkaddict #eternalink #kingpintattoosupply #supportgoodtattooing #supportgoodtattooers #hustlebutter #hushanesthetic

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Source : 17 Snazzy CALVIN AND HOBBES Tattoos