11 Great Book Puzzles You Can Buy Right Now


Puzzles: they’re having a moment. They’re challenging to find online, and more, the few stores most of us have access to right now have been sold out or backordered for months. Or, in the case of those who’ve been super into puzzles before it was a thing to do to stave off boredom, you’ve literally done all of those puzzles and you’re looking for something new. Here’s the good news: there are still places you can snag some puzzles now. If you’re itching to get your hands on, say, a book puzzle, here are some gems you can buy.

You can pick up this Cat Tales puzzle in a number of sizes and difficulty levels. Beginning at $27.

The ideal bookshelf puzzle is one of my favorites, and as of this writing, in stock for $17.

This looks a lot like my bookshelf setup. $14 and up, with different challenge levels and sizes.

Absolutely here for this 500 piece reading unicorn puzzle. $14.

Love, love, love this puzzle featuring a Black boy selecting his next favorite read. $13 and up.

This steampunk puzzle looks like fun. $14 and up.

Peep this sweet little home library. $14 and up.

Make yourself a vintage card catalog. $26 and up.

This read a book puzzle looks deceptively easy. $11 and up.

Books are a uniquely portable kind of magic. $14 and up.

I love how pretty this book puzzle is. $14 and up.

Last but not least, try your hand at this vintage comic book puzzle. $18 and up.

Source : 11 Great Book Puzzles You Can Buy Right Now