Your Guide To GAME OF THRONES Myers-Briggs Personality Types
There are 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, and there’s a Game of Thrones character who fits each one. For those of you who haven’t heard of Myers-Briggs...
There are 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, and there’s a Game of Thrones character who fits each one. For those of you who haven’t heard of Myers-Briggs...
areebarbar/ 5G, the next generation of cellular technology for the next generation of smartphones, is imminent. And with it, there’s concern about the health risk of...
Memoir is one of my favorite genres. Navigating through countless pages of academic writing (and having to produce it) can have different effects on people. More...
During the summer, I always get ambitious with my reading plans, and every year, they usually involve picking up a classic I never got around to...
Book titles are a tricky business. Books need to sell, but we also don’t like the idea of them selling out. Novel titles, in some ways,...
Oral history as a method of obtaining information, typically from people who lack the ability or means to record their thoughts and memories on paper, began...
Over the years I’ve been known to do a reading project of trying a “new-to-me” genre. I like to do this because it helps me be...
I don’t know what it is about squirrels that makes them the perfect protagonists in children’s books. Is it their hyperactivity? Does that make them relatable...
I knew my decision to pull together a few romances featuring gamers was the right one when I started writing this and my spouse started watching...
Summer is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to get some reading done, whether it’s curled up on your couch with the air...