Top 10 Java stories of May: Angular v8, IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 EAP, JDK 13 & more


1. What’s new in Angular v8?

Pop the champagne!

Angular v8 arrives with an impressive list of changes and improvements including the much-anticipated Ivy compiler as an opt-in feature! This latest release also brings an extensive list of bug fixes and some important breaking changes.

If you are eager to have a sneak peek of the most interesting changes, we invited Manfred Steyer to give us the first taste of Angular v8, fresh out of the oven! 

You can find the full article here

You can also have a look at our thread here.

2. Jakarta EE negotiations between Oracle and The Eclipse Foundation hits a roadblock

In 2017 Oracle announced the opening up of Java EE and moving it to an open source foundation. Since then, the migration to the Eclipse Foundation has been a long, steady process. Negotiations between The Eclipse Foundation and Oracle continue to take place. The Eclipse Foundation’s Mike Milinkovich posted an update blog on May 3, 2019 regarding the status of Jakarta EE and its community.

How are the negotiations progressing? Have a look here.

3. How big companies are using Kubernetes

Kubernetes’ increased adoption is showcased by a number of influential companies which have integrated the technology into their services. In this article, Pavan Belagatti takes a look at how some of the biggest companies of our time are successfully using Kubernetes.

Check it out here.

4. First look at IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2

There is absolutely no rest for the JetBrains team!

Only a month after the release of 2019.1, we’re already moving forward with the opening of the Early Access Program (EAP) for the next release of IntelliJ IDEA. IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 is due at the end of July but for now, we can have a look at the initial list of features and improvements.

Have a quick look here.

5. Pivotal announces commercial support for OpenJDK, Spring, and Apache Tomcat

And another one joins the ‘OpenJDK support’ club!

Pivotal announced the offer of official support for OpenJDK via Pivotal Spring Runtime, comprehensive support for all the Java environments.

With the concern over Oracle’s changes of the release cadences and support for the various Java versions still holding strong, the list of providers of OpenJDK builds keeps getting longer. We already have AdoptOpenJDK, Azul, IBM, Red Hat, Linux, Amazon Corretto (to name a few), and now Pivotal joins the party!

Have a look at Pivotal’s announcement here.

6. First look at JDK 13

As the development of JDK 13 moves forward, we keep track of everything new coming up. You can follow our thread here and stay updated on what’s coming next in JDK 13!

7. New Java proposal

Since the last update from Brian Goetz, one of the Chief Java Language Architects at Oracle, JDK development steadily moves forward. New JEP drafts have been added for consideration and the community continues discussing their potential and the evolution of Java.

Here, we take a closer look at a JEP “Keyword Management for the Java Language” by Alex Buckley and see what propositions it makes for future of the JDK.

8. GraalVM 19.0 released

According to the announcement post for the latest release of GraalVM, it is “finally mature and ready for production use”. GraalVM version 19.0 is the current stable release. What does it include, what’s on the radar for future releases and what is the team currently testing for early adopters?

Have a look here.

9. UseStringDeduplication – pros and cons

What are duplicate strings? 25% of Java application memory is filled up with strings, and 13.5% of those are duplicate strings. In this article, Ram Lakshmanan discusses why there are so many duplicate strings, what the common patterns are, and what to do about it.

Check out the full article here.

10. Web Components: Bridging the gap between frameworks

Components on the web have always been very framework-specific. That’s why it is not possible to use a component written in Angular directly in React (or vice versa). This is exactly where Web Components can help!

Have a look at Sven Kölpin’s article here and learn all about it!

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Source : JAXenter