We called it. That doesn’t mean we buy it. Still, let’s try to make more sense out of it.
The way Tyrion Lannister told it in the Game of Thrones finale, Bran Stark has the best story in all of Westeros — a story that will help the common folk and the nobles unite behind King Bran the Broken. Ironically, and perhaps in part to keep the ending a surprise, Game of Thrones itself became utterly disinterested in telling Bran’s story — relegating him to season 8’s most persistent background character.
By the time the finale rolled around, then, it was hard to remember that Bran was far more than the kid who overcame adversity, learned to fly and became the nation’s institutional memory, to use Tyrion’s participation-trophy language. The reaction to that kid’s elevation to the throne, therefore, was a collective “meh” when it could have been a collective “holy crap, they put an actual time-traveling psychic in charge of six kingdoms! And he knew it was going to happen! Did he somehow make it happen? There’s a lot to unpack here!” Read more…
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