Is there a corner of culture untouched by Game of Thrones? Absolutely not.
In advance of Sunday’s Season 8 premiere, museums around the world have been getting in on the Thrones fandom, in the best way they know how: by being extremely helpful and informative!
In Game of Thrones, one of the few ways to kill a White Walker or wight is with a tool made of Dragonglass — or, as Samwell Tarly informed us all in Season 2, “the Maesters call it obsidian.”
SEE ALSO: Everything to remember about dragonglass for ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8
To help us all prepare for Winter and the southward march of the White Walkers, museums have been sharing images from their collections and factoids about Dragonglass/Obsidian. Ah, museums: the Maesters of our world! Read more…
More about Museums, Game Of Thrones Season 8, Dragonglass, Culture, and Game Of Thrones