Here Are the Books to Mention—And Avoid—On Your Dating Profile


What books do most people think are red flags? Twitter found out this week

Relationships are hard. Whether they are with romantic partners or friends, it’s no easy feat navigating the dance of differing opinions that comes with introducing a new and potentially important person into your life. What is your political affiliation? Do you want kids? And probably the most controversial question — what’s your favorite book?

Sometimes, you get lucky and you find yourself in a decade-long friendship with someone who can discuss the feminist undertones of Jane Austen. Sometimes, you’ve already given your boyfriend keys to your apartment before finding out that he’s read Atlas Shrugged seven times…and loved it each and every time. Aware of this conundrum, writer Laura Relyea took to Twitter and asked her fellow bibliophiles, “What books are automatic red flags for you with people?”

One person echoed Relyea’s Nabokovian worries:

Others added their own personal dealbreakers. Warnings against Catcher in the Rye, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and Atlas Shrugged (plus really anything by Ayn Rand) dominated.

Some used the thread as an opportunity to recall non-romantic but still equally horrific experiences.

And there were those that took a hopeful approach, advising that maybe you are the book angel someone’s library deserves.

One writer, Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self author Danielle Evans responded with a post on her own personal Twitter.

And Twitter delivered love stories that would make any literature-lover weep with joy,

As well as this, uh, candid gem.

Forget romantic matchups—this is a great thread to read through if you need some new books and authors to fall in love with.

And finally, here’s our favorite exchange on the topic:

Red flag books are all well and good—it’s important to be on your guard in this bad world—but white flag books can get you a beer with Mary Roach, and in the end, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Here Are the Books to Mention—And Avoid—On Your Dating Profile was originally published in Electric Literature on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Source : Here Are the Books to Mention—And Avoid—On Your Dating Profile